FarmQA offers indispensable digital tools tailored to the needs of agronomists and agribusiness professionals. Gain a comprehensive overview of your operations, including detailed field information, crop scouting reports, weather data, spray records, satellite imagery, and more. While technology can't substitute for personal relationships, it can significantly enhance your ability to analyze, adjust, and manage your agronomy consultancy effectively.
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What customers are saying about FarmQA
FarmQA had the field boundaries on a map, it had a list of the pests that I was looking for, and the one-page report was something I could feel proud to send to a grower. Read more

Hazen Palmer - Agronomist, Simplot Grower Solutions
Previously, the grower would have to wait until the end of a day and the scouts provided a summary sheet. Now growers can watch the scouting activity as it is happening in FarmQA. They can call us while we are still in the field. This allows us to be more efficient. Read more

Dale Wells -- Certified Crop Advisor, Cotton Services
FarmQA is really easy because you just send the grower the PDF. They can open it. It's got the pictures in there. It is my way of creating a paper trail and being able to document everything. Read more

Shanon Winny -- Agronomist, GroWest Ventures
No more pen and paper. Scout fields with ease and efficiency with our mobile app.
Soil sampling
Take control of soil health one sample at a time.
Write chemical treatments fast. Create reusable tank mixes to make your life easier.
Easily create variable rate prescriptions for all of your fields.
Build crop plans, share shopping lists with growers, schedule tasks based on the plan.
With our agrnomy-specific tasks, make sure all of your work gets done, from planning, scouting, and more.
Detailed crop and field records are at your fingertips.
Farm mapping
Create maps for you and your customers operations. Access information via advanced spatial layer visualizations for timely diagnosis.
Analyze the key metrics that are important to you and your growers to make sure this season is the best season.
Professional reports
Make your agribusiness shine – complete with your logo (not ours). Send as PDF or share online.
Capture weather-related data to help forecast problems before they occur.
Sensors and devices
Integrate with weather stations, Amity soil compaction units, and more.
Advanced imagery
Access high-resolution, high frequency daily satellite data through Planet.
Import data with ease. Just send us your files and we'll get them imported.
Multiple growers
Designed for ag service businesses and the multiple farms and organizations you serve.
Specialty crops
Flexible templates work great for standard crops and specialty crops alike. Track just the information you want and need for the crops you manage.
Security and privacy
We use Microsoft Azure for reliability. Further, your data is your data. We will never see your data.
Innovative features such as observation merging and spray treatment completion dates ensure that your work with other agronomists and your growers.
One-on-one support
Our support is one-on-one and fast. You get our phone number.
Agronomy/grower relationships
We think that the relationship between agronomist and grower is a great way to ensure great yields and sustainable practices. That is why we are devoted to improving this relationship through technology.
About FarmQA
FarmQA is a suite of digital tools for agronomists designed to streamline and improve core agronomy service functions. The suite includes an easy-to-use, full-function mobile scouting app and a complete web platform for collecting and displaying information from various sources. FarmQA gives ag advisors a comprehensive picture of what's happening above and below ground, so they can provide better crop and soil recommendations and deliver more services to their growers.